
成都院子酒店坐落于成都市中心历史文化保护片区“文殊坊”内,紧邻千年古刹文殊院,占地16000平方米, 院内86间客房,由16座川西明清大宅院落构成。 在这座以老成都文化为底蕴的酒店里, 海内外来宾可入住充满故事的民国川西旧宅。 院子以蜀锦、蜀绣、银花丝、 瓷胎竹编和漆艺这成都非物质文化遗产“五朵金花”为代表, 打造了不同的客房院落。五朵金花既是非遗文化, 也代表着成都民间技艺顶尖水平, 从庙堂之高融入房间里的各个角落,住进院子能零距离接触、 近距离观赏和使用这些有趣的成都民间技艺, 让源自生活的艺术再次用于生活。 除客房外,还有极具特色中西宴会厅、院落茶室、咖啡吧、 兰园酒吧、多功能厅,可满足住宿、中式婚宴、 餐饮休闲、会议娱乐、文化品典藏拍卖等丰富需求。



CD COURTYARD, the first list of national intangible cultural theme boutique hotel
The hotel is open 24 hours a day for hotel guests

Facilities include

  • 88间具有中国特色的客房及套房
    88 special Chinese guest rooms and suites
  • 局域网及无线网线覆盖整个酒店
    Wif and ADSL internet throuhgout the hotel
  • 先进的健身设备
    Gymnasium ftted out with the latest imported equipment
  • 会议及展览中心
    Exhibition &Conference Facilities
  • 别具一格的音乐,红酒及雪茄吧
    Musicwine and cigar bar
  • 3个不同规格的宴会厅满足你不同的需求
    3 different meeting &banquet rooms
  • 13个贵宾包房的中餐厅
    Courment Chinese Restaurant with 13 private rooms
  • 1个四川特色时尚餐厅
    Special Sichuan cuisine Restaurant
  • 1个咖啡吧及舒适休闲的院落茶吧
    Cafe Bar And Comfortable courtyard Tea House
  • 10个板受欢迎的棋牌包间
    The most popular Mahiong prvate rooms


Chengdu Courtyard Hotel is adjacent to the head of four Buddhist tempies,Manjushri Monastery,mercial and cultural of Wenshu spuare.Chengdu Courtyard Hotel is an boutique hotel with art collection and regard intangible cultural hertage as our theme. The hotel consists of 16 Chuanxi style courtyards and there are 88 Chinese courtyard rooms which have 5 different themes: Shujing,Yinsilahua,Qiqi and Zhubian.Interms of the whole hotel,it has a construction area of 16000 m2,Chengdu Courtyard Hotel has been providing butler service and even has amultipurpose hall which can satisfy all Kinds of requirements In addition,there is a reception hall with spedific characteristics Tea and coffeebars.

  • Chinese Restaurant
  • Special Sichuan cuisine Restaurant
  • Members Lounge
  • Wuyuegong Tea house
  • Ca fe Ba r

来成都 不能错过的成都院子